Sunday, January 2, 2011

How in the heck do you turn sleep hours around?

My first order of business is to turn my hours around so that I can get up at the butt crack of dawn and work out.  I'm having HELL with that.  I just can't lay down and fall asleep, I lay there FOREVER.  I mean like HOURS.  Even more,  I set my phone to go off early and then I don't hear it. I MADE super loud ringtones specifically for my alarm clock, there's no reason I shouldn't be hearing it.  Oy! I'll get it worked out.  It'd be nice if I could get some QUALITY sleep then I wouldn't be sleeping so late. 

Your question is probably "why not just work out in the afternoon?"... well because I don't like to lol. I don't mind working out a second time in the PM hours, but my first work out of the day HAS to be upon waking and HAS to be before 8am or I wake up dragging ass.  I know once I get it worked out I'll have much more energy, but its finding the energy to do it thats really hard. 

Last night was hell for sleeping. I layed down at midnight and fell asleep I believe around 3ish... something like that.  I just can't turn my brain off sometimes.  I've got so much to do to get my life straight that it just kinda floods my mind.  I know logically that I can only take one step at a time, but looking at all the steps I have to take is rather overwhelming.  I know exactly what steps I NEED to take.  I know that its totally ok if it takes me a while to do all of it, but I'm really just so ready to have the end result that the tedious details are going to annoy me until I get a little closer to my goals.  I guess this isnt' as long as I thought it was going to be  Maybe I got all the frustrating thoughts out for the day.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, thanks for following my blog.

    I have some of those same problems. I only like to work out in the morning but I hate getting out of bed to do it.

    I've also had trouble sleeping a lot. I always read a book at night. I read until my eyes are tired enough that I can just fall asleep. Sometimes I read for hours and sometimes just a few minutes. It works for me. Hopefully you can find something to help you get to sleep.
