Saturday, January 1, 2011

1-1-11 post #2...

I really love it when your decisions prove themselves to be good.  I have a really bad habit of second guessing everything I do. I even second guessed breaking up with Neil. Today he proved I was right to do He got on Yahoo just to tell me that he had a new girlfriend (trying to make me jealous?  I just pointed out that he proved me right to dump him b/c I knew he wasn't all that into me. If he had been he wouldn't have rushed to date someone else just a week after we broke up.  He said I was 'pushing' him into marrying him?? Um?? Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?  He asked me lol, I even rolled my eyes when I said yes...since he asked me on facebook  Of COURSE I made it look like I was more excited about it than I was, because I knew that if he really meant it, it wouldn't scare him off.  If he didn't mean it, he'd back off.  I was right, and I'm not sorry about that.  I can smell a bullshitter from a mile away, but the only way to call their bluff is to catch them.  

Whats cool about this one is I knocked out 3 toxic people in one hit.  I got to see Leslie show her true colors when I was dating a guy I could TELL her married ass had a crush on. Now, if she were a single woman and had a crush on him, I wouldn't have dated him.  I have a very strong loyalty to my friends and would NEVER step on toes for a guy.  The bitch is on husband #3, she's married.  She didn't have a right to be angry. He told me later that she tried to screw him. I know for a fact she's fucked around on her husband so I knew she was liking him like that.  By getting rid of Leslie, I got rid of her douche bag husband who ran his mouth about me every chance he got.  I could feel Leslie's disloyalty before it went down.  She only liked being around me when I was miserable and she could be the hero, when I was doing something to make ME happy she tried to sabotage me. She was sabotaging to the point she was visibly angry if I didn't do what she wanted me to. 

I don't suspect there's anyone else that toxic in my life, but if you are one of them and secretly plotting to do something underhanded; just exit now please.  I've had enough of people like you lol, and I'm working on weeding out the toxicity so I WILL find you out in time. 

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